
Complaints Policy

How to Complain

School of New Africa Ltd (SONA) aims to provide you with the highest standards of service, however there may be occasions when our service does not meet your expectations, but telling us about it gives us a chance to fix things.

We define a complaint as an expression of dissatisfaction, however made, about the standard of service, actions, or lack of actions by us, affecting an individual or group of customers / stakeholders.

We want to:

  • Make it easy for you to raise your complaint
  • Listen to your complaint
  • Consider how you would like us to remedy your complaint
  • Make sure you are satisfied with how your complaint was handled.

How to Contact Us

In writing:

School of New Africa Ltd.
17a Electric Lane

By emailsupport@schoolofnewafrica.com

What We Need

Please provide us with as much information as possible when making your complaint. This will help us to understand the issue and resolve it quickly. Please include:

  • Your name and address
  • A description of your complaint and how it’s affected you
  • When the issue happened
  • Your contact details and how you would like us to contact you

What to Expect Next


Our aim is to resolve your complaint as quickly as possible, but you will receive a response from us within

3 business days, so you know we have received your complaint. This will contain your complaint reference

15 Business Days

In most cases, we will be able to resolve your complaint within 15 business days. If we have not resolved it within 15 business days, we will contact you to update you on the progress and tell you how much longer we anticipate it will take.

Up to 35 Business Days

We will continue to keep you informed in writing and let you know when you should expect to hear from us.

Although we have up to 35 business days, we will send you our final response as soon as we complete the investigation into your complaint.

In the unlikely event we have not been able to finalise our investigation by the end of 35 business days, we will send you a final response communication and advise what next steps you can take.

What if you are not happy with our response?

You Can Refer the Problem to The Issuer of Your Card

If, you don’t agree with our response and you wish to take it further, in the first instance you should contact the card issuer IDT Financial Services Limited, PO Box 1374, 1 Montarik Building, 3 Bedlam Court, Gibraltar, email address: complaints@idtfinance.com, web www.idtfinance.com for further assistance. A copy of IDT Financial Services Limited’s complaints policy can be found on their website.

If, having exhausted the above complaints process with IDT Financial Services Limited, you remain unhappy you may complain to the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission, PO Box 940, Suite 3, Ground Floor, Atlantic Suites, Europort Avenue, Gibraltar, email address: complaints@gfsc.gi, web www.fsc.gi. It is important to be aware that legally it is not the role of the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission to resolve complaints between you and IDT Financial Services Limited.

If you have not contacted IDT Financial Services Limited, the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission will ask you to contact them first to give IDT Financial Services a chance to put things right.

Recording and Monitoring Complaints

We log all complaints we receive in a Complaints Register, so that we can monitor the types of problems, the best way to sort them out and how long we are taking to deal with them. Complaints are reviewed annually to help us identify trends and take a closer look at how we can improve our own service delivery.

We monitor and review the effectiveness of our complaints handling process to ensure that this continuously improves and learnings from complaints handling are carried through into the organisation.

We will handle your information in line with data protection legislation.

Last Updated: 26/07/2024