Help to keep yourself safe from fraudsters by following the tips below. Remember, if you are ever unsure, don't act. A genuine company will never rush you to take action.
Always make sure your mobile telephone number and email address registered with us is up-to-date, we will use these to contact you if we notice unusual activity on your SONA card.
Some Tips for Using Your E-money Account and Prepaid Card Safely
When accessing your SONA account:
- Use an antivirus software and firewall.
- Make sure you keep your device up-to-date.
- Use secure networks.
- Use strong passwords.
When using a mobile application:
- Only install apps from recognised app stores.
- Consider the app ratings and reviews.
- Be aware of what permissions you are granting.
- Treat your phone as your wallet.
When shopping online or in a store:
- When using an online retailer for the first time, do some research to make sure that they are genuine.
- Do not reply to unsolicited emails from companies you don't recognise.
- Before entering your prepaid card details, make sure the link is secure. There should be a padlock symbol in the browser frame window which appears when you log in or register, if this appears on the page rather than the browser it may indicate a fraudulent website. The web address should begin with https://, the "s" stands for secure.
- Always log out of the website after use. Simply closing your browser is not enough to ensure your data is safe.
- Keep your PIN safe and do not share it.
- Don't share any passwords including pin or login codes
- When entering your PIN, check for people around you and hide your PIN number.
- Always check your statements.
Remember, if you decide to donate, resell or recycle an old mobile phone, computer, laptop or tablet, make sure you fully remove all data and apps first, otherwise these may be accessed by whoever your device is passed to.