14.1 If You believe You did not authorise a particular transaction or that a transaction was incorrectly carried out, in order to get a refund You must contact Our Customer Services team without undue delay - as soon as You notice the problem, and in any case no later than 13 months after the amount of the transaction has been deducted from the Card. We will as soon as practicable, and in any event no later than the end of the Business Day following the day on which We become aware of the unauthorised transaction, refund any unauthorised transaction and any associated transaction fees and charges payable under this Agreement subject to the rest of this clause 14, except in cases where We have a reasonable suspicion that You have acted fraudulently, in which case We will conduct an investigation as quickly as possible and notify You of the outcome. If the investigation shows that the transaction was indeed unauthorised, we will refund You as set out above in this clause 14.1.
14.2 If a transaction initiated by a retailer (for example, this happens when You use Your Card in a shop) has been incorrectly executed and We receive proof from the retailer's payment service provider that We are liable for the incorrectly executed transaction, We will refund as appropriate and immediately the transaction and any associated transaction fees and charges payable under this Agreement. We are not liable for any incorrectly executed transactions if we can show that the payment was actually received by the retailer’s payment service provider, in which case they will be liable. We execute transactions in accordance with the transaction detail received. Where the detail provided to us is incorrect, we will not be liable for incorrectly executing the transaction, but we will make reasonable efforts to recover the funds involved. In such a case we may charge you a reasonable fee to cover our administration costs, of which we will notify you in advance.
14.3 If You receive a late payment from another payment service provider (e.g. a refund from a retailer's bank) via Us, We will credit Your Account with the relevant amount of any associated fees and charges so that You will not be at a loss.
14.4 Subject to the rest of this clause 14, We will limit Your liability to £35 for any losses incurred in respect of unauthorised transactions arising from the use of a lost or stolen Card, or the misappropriation of the Card's details, except where:
14.4.1 the loss, theft or misappropriation of the Card was not detectable by You before the unauthorised transaction took place (unless you acted fraudulently, in which case You are liable for all losses incurred in respect of the unauthorised transaction), or
14.4.2 the loss was caused by acts or omissions of one of Our employees or agents, in which case You are not liable for any losses.
14.5 You will be liable for all losses incurred in respect of an unauthorised transaction if You:
14.5.1 have acted fraudulently; or
14.5.2 have intentionally or with gross negligence failed to: look after and use Your SONA Card in accordance with the Agreement; or notify Us of the problem in accordance with clause 12.1.
14.6 Except where You have acted fraudulently, You will not be liable for any losses incurred in respect of an unauthorised transaction:
14.6.1 which arise after Your notification to Us;
14.6.2 where You have used the SONA Card in connection with a distance contract, for example, for an online purchase; or
14.6.3 where We have failed to provide You with the appropriate means of notification, as found in clause 12.1.
14.7 Depending on the circumstances, Our Customer Services team may require You to complete a dispute declaration form. We may conduct an investigation either before or after any refund has been made. We will let You know as soon as possible the outcome of any such investigation. If Our investigations show that any disputed transaction was authorised by You or You may have acted fraudulently or with gross negligence, We may reverse any refund made and You will be liable for all losses We suffer in connection with the transaction including but not limited to the cost of any investigation carried out by Us in relation to the transaction. We will give You reasonable notice of any reverse refund.
14.8 In certain circumstances, a transaction will be initiated but not fully completed. Where this happens, this may result in the value of the transaction being deducted from the SONA Card balance and therefore unavailable for use – We refer to this as a “hanging authorisation” or “block”. In these cases our system automatically cancels hanging authorisations after 10 days. If funds are still blocked after 10 days, You will need to contact Our SONA Help team in accordance with clause 15 and present relevant evidence to show that the transaction has been cancelled or reversed.
14.9 In certain circumstances, We may without notice refuse to complete a transaction that You have authorised. These circumstances include:
14.9.1 if We have reasonable concerns about the security of Your SONA Card or We suspect Your SONA Card is being used in a fraudulent or suspicious manner;
14.9.2 if there are not sufficient Available Funds to cover the transaction and all associated fees at the time that We receive notification of the transaction;
14.9.3 if there is an outstanding shortfall on the balance of Your SONA Card;
14.9.4 if We have reasonable grounds to believe You are acting in breach of this Agreement;
14.9.5 if there are errors, failures (mechanical or otherwise) or refusals by merchants, payment processors or payment schemes processing transactions; or
14.9.6 if We are required to do so in order to comply with the law.
14.10 Unless it would be unlawful for Us to do so, where We refuse to complete a transaction for You in accordance with clause 14.9 above, We will notify You as soon as reasonably practicable of the refusal and the reasons for the refusal, together where relevant, with the procedure for correcting any factual errors that led to the refusal.
14.11 We may suspend Your SONA Card, in which case You will not be able to use it for any transactions, if We have reasonable concerns about the security of Your SONA Card or We suspect Your SONA Card is being used in a fraudulent or unauthorised manner. We will notify You of any such suspension in advance, or immediately after if this is not possible, and of the reasons for the suspension unless to do so would compromise reasonable security measures or otherwise be unlawful. We will lift the suspension and, where appropriate, issue a new SONA Card free of charge as soon as practicable once the reasons for the suspension cease to exist.
14.12 This clause 14.12 applies when you use AISP services. We may deny an AISP access to Your emoney Account connected to Your Card for reasonably justified and duly evidenced reasons relating to unauthorised or fraudulent access to Your Account by that AISP. If We do deny access in this way, We will notify You of the denial and the reason for the denial in advance if possible, or immediately after the denial of access, unless to do so would compromise reasonably justified security reasons or is unlawful. We will allow AISP access to Your Account once the reasons for denying access no longer apply.
14.13 You may also be entitled to claim a refund for a transaction that You authorised provided that:
14.13.1 Your authorisation did not specify the exact amount when You consented to the transaction; and
14.13.2 the amount of the transaction exceeded the amount that You could reasonably have expected it to be taking into account Your previous spending pattern on the SONA Card, the Agreement and the circumstances of this case.
Such a refund must be requested from Our SONA Help team within 8 weeks of the amount being deducted from the SONA Card. We may require You to provide Us with evidence to substantiate Your claim. Any refund or justification for refusing a refund will be provided within 10 Business Days of receiving Your refund request or, where applicable, within 10 Business Days of receiving any further evidence requested by Us. The refund shall be equal to the amount of the transaction. Any such refund will not be subject to any relevant fees.